Legal & Institutional Perspectives
- Corps of Engineers Regulatory Program and Northern Colorado EISs - Brand, 2011
This presentation covers why the Corps is involved, the steps in the process, what the status of certain water supply proposals is, some controversial issues surrounding permitting, and a few other 'interesting facts.'
- Corps of Engineers Permit Decision Making Process Links - Brand, no date specified
This brief document provides links to yet other documents that detail the procedures that the US Army Corps of Engineers must follow to issue or deny a Section 404 Clean Water Act permit, such as required for the NISP or Halligan-Seaman proposals.
- Key Concepts in Colorado Water Law - Jones, 2011
This condensed presentation covers the development and evolution of Colorado water law.
- Organizational Interests on the Cache La Poudre River by Historical Era - Freeman, 2011
This presentation categorizes water development in the Cache la Poudre basin into several 'eras' including: irrigation canal building, plains reservoir building, trans-mountain diversions (small and large), groundwater pumping, the environmental legislative era, interest group development, and statewide water planning.
- Water Sources, Use, and Administration - Varra, 2011
This extensive presentation covers (1) where Poudre River water comes from, (2) who owns the rights to use the water, and (3) how the rights are administered from the point of view of the River Commissioner and using a variety of graphs and maps. The material concludes that Poudre River flows vary considerably (annually, monthly, daily); that agricultural irrigation continues to use a large majority of the Poudre supplies; for many junior water right holders, the water is not available when the water is needed; and rules for diverting and using the water are prescribed by Colorado water law.